Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pelican + Man

Narrabeen Lake a popular fishing spot for man and bird. What happens when he catches a fish?


  1. I think there will be a big fight on, with the Pelican winning....

  2. Yeah, I would back the pelican, too. This guy appears to have waded into the lake fully clothed ... like not even with shorts ... the pelican knows him to be a soft touch.

  3. Initially I thought he was after the bird! :-)
    Good shot!

  4. I think they're fishing together - like two mates chatting away waiting for that big one to come by - and when it does - well I'll put my money on the pelican!

  5. Cute. I guess he has to hand over every other one. The bird will keep all he/she catches. ;)


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