Friday, January 7, 2011

Coathanger at sunset

It is a nice way to see the harbour bridge by ferry. I recommend getting the Balmain - Darling Harbour ferry from Circular Quay at sunset and just stay on for the round trip.
Monochrome weekend.

This post is supported by boating licence


  1. It's nice to see a harbour sunset in B&W.

  2. She's just biased, is our Joan!!

    But, yes, I love the ferries. Ann and I wemt out to Garden Island on Thursday. Probably the shortest ferry ride possible.

  3. Beautiful in black and white. Hope you post a link on Louis la Vache's 'Sunday Bridges' tomorrow.

  4. I love this bridge, I climbed it years ago. A gorgeous photo.

  5. Wonderful, fresh perspective of this great landmark!

  6. Wonderful light. Love the way the bridge is caught by the sun.

  7. Thanks Jim for a reminder.
    Karen, it is a fair climb is it not?

  8. wonderful perspective from this angle!

  9. This is a fine b&w image! «Louis» appreciates both of your contributions to Sunday Bridges. The meme publishes at 0001 hrs central Europe time each Sunday rather than on California time. This gives bloggers in Australasia and Europe more time to participate.


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