Saturday, October 16, 2010

Art Gallery Item

In the Art Gallery of NSW is this unusual piano, the gallery is a well- worth visiting even for non-art lovers.


  1. That building is my personal favourite in Sydney. I walk throught the vestibule and up those two shallows steps, and have that low ceiling stretching above me down to the escalators and I am in heaven.

    Which reminds me. I must go in and have a look at our copy of Rodin's Burghers of Calais. I saw the original version at the Musee Rodin. Very emotional work.

  2. Fascinating! Whenever I see pieces like this, I always want to read the exhibit notes or interview the artist.

  3. I am also rather fond of the art gallery but don't get there often enough.

  4. Like a lot of contemporary art, it's intriguing.

  5. Agree Julie a great building, didn't know about the Rodin copy.


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