Wednesday, March 17, 2010

El Alamein Fountain

Yesterday in the Sydney Morning Herald there was an obituary to Robert Woodward (1923-2010) the designer of this fountain in the heart of Kings Cross. He was the winner of a design competition to commemorate the Australian Imperial Forces action in North Africa in WWII and the two El Alamein battles in particular. It was completed in 1961.


  1. Yeah, but some sort of crook design that allows all the water to run off the edge like that!!

    I remember it not long after it was "turned on" and the impact it had. Sydney has a small town mentality!

    My excursion today is up through Kx. Shall be interesting to see what I make of it in the daylight hours!

  2. Excellent. I have wanted to photograph this for ages but am never there when the light has been great.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  3. Enjoy your visit to the cross, it has character.

  4. It looks like a dandelion! Pretty.

  5. There is a fountain very similar in Rockefeller Center in NYC. A pair of them. Also constructed in the 1960's. Very beautiful.


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