Sunday, February 28, 2010

Waiting for the Tsunami

After the Chile earthquake this morning we are on tsunami watch.
'Sydneysiders and people on Australia's east coast are being warned to stay away from beaches on Sunday morning after warnings of a possible tsunami. The alert follows a massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake which struck off the coast of Chile, toppling buildings, cutting power and killing at least 76 people.'
I took this photo this morning and there are no signs yet of any large waves, the surfers are ready for them.


  1. I just got up, so haven't heard the news yet but I won't be going down the coast today. Thanks for the warning, Peter.
    Nicely framed coastal shot by the way.

  2. I have only just realised that you have joined the CDPB community, Peter. Welcome.

    I guess the early warning system is working, although one cannot but wonder if they are covering their own butts rather than providing the populace with a fair assessment.


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