Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dancer Lights

At the Vivid festival again down along Circular Quay, one of the street performers was this black-suited dancer performing in the dark. It was quite effective with LED lights attached to her suit.


  1. Hah ... if you had run with the lower picture as the lead you would have been inundated with hits!

    Nice capture of the lights. I was down there last night but not rugged up enough to wander around the quay. I stayed mainly on the overseas terminal and then repaired to a pub for a warming cab/merlot.

  2. Great shots, Peter, amazing what difference a flash makes. I assume the second shot was taken with a flash?

  3. Nice capture, Peter
    She look cool & sexy in the same time

  4. I like the waviness of the top shot.

  5. Interesting shots and idea for the festival.


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