Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Con

This is Sydney's Conservatorium of Music - affectionately known as The Con. It used to be the stables for the Governor but is now put to a better use.


  1. What a good angle! It is hard to recognise the usual facade with just a tiny bit of the ramparts showing. That part of the gardens is a good vantage point for watching the Queens sail down the harbour, Peter.

  2. certainly is a different angle than I'm used to seeing.

  3. It is good to see that the building was recycled for a great institution. The con has educated some great talents in the past and will in the future.

  4. Thanks Julie- I am not sure about what Queens you refer to.
    Thanks Jim and Bill. Agree.

  5. To my eyes, it's strange-looking architecture — the points look Asian but then there's the ramparts.

  6. What an unusual angle ,,, I would not have picked it as the con.


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