Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ugh meets Girl

Ugh boot man is only seen occasionally and on Friday afternoon he was particularly happy. TGIF and all that. He was dancing and high fiving the pedestrians along George Street. This girl was getting her photo taken and was happy for me to snap one of her as well. Why the peace symbol?


  1. Have you ever taken a photo of a youthful Asian who doesn't do the peace symbol? There is a wikipedia entry here that gives an explanation ... scroll down to the bottom, there is a section titled "Japan and V sign in photographs."

  2. I am amazed the ugh boot man is wearing sneakers. Surely that's not right.

  3. Peace symbol? That's what you do at that age.

  4. Thanks Joan, lots of info about at your ref.
    True Bill, he should have ugh boots too.
    Bruce -true.

  5. I've seen the ugh bloke and thought about taking his snap too. I hadn't noticed the thing about the 'V' signs before, but I will now. :)

  6. In my day the "V" sign was invented by Winston Churchill,,, V for victory.

  7. eeegadz... the "v" symbol. Even my 3 year old "students" automatically do it when someone's about to take a photo. I guess it's genetic. LOL!


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