Following on from yesterday here is the second equestrian statue outside of the Art Gallery of NSW. The inscription reads: 'That our house may stand forever and that justice and mercy grow.'
The tropical greenhouse in the Royal Botanic Garden- it is hot in there (of course). Sydney lately has felt a bit like a greenhouse - must be the La Nina effect - or just summer.
This is Sydney's oldest and best amusement park with a superb location under the North shore of the bridge. Many fond memories of the wild mouse, the rotor, Coney Island slides and the dodgem cars. What month was this taken?
Here are the twin supports for the cable-stayed ANZAC Bridge, guarding the Western approaches are statues of an Australian and New Zealand soldiers. It spans Johnsons Bay and was opened in 1995. I have also heard it referred to as 'Madonna's Bra'. Sunday Bridges
I recently saw the movie 'The King's Speech' starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush, here is a statue of Edward VII although not in the film was grandfather of Edward VIII, who in the film was played by Guy Pearse. Monochrome weekend.
It is good to see sailing ships still in the harbour, The Southern Swan, built of Danish Oak and apparently Sydney's only authentic tall ship. Lieutenant James Cook first visited Sydney in 1770, of course he did not come into Sydney Harbour but sailed right by.
It is a nice way to see the harbour bridge by ferry. I recommend getting the Balmain - Darling Harbour ferry from Circular Quay at sunset and just stay on for the round trip. Monochrome weekend.
Looking out the back of a tinnie (aluminium boat 3.3m) on Pittwater. I wet a line but no luck - as usual. However there is a good fish and chipper on Barrenjoey Rd at Palm Beach.
A Sydney summer ritual for some (my children) is attending an all day event in the Domain - luckily they came home - eventually - then slept for the next 24 hours. (Disclaimer - this is my daughter's photo. She won't know as she doesn't read my blog, like all Gen X, Y and Z = addicted to facespace.)
These are the beaut days of summer in Sydney, between Christmas and New Year the whole city seems to be on holidays, here on the beach at Palm Beach the volunteer lifesavers watch the swimmers from the shelter. There is a great story of a lifesaver, just after world war 1 who saw a shark swimming in the channel towards a young girl who ran a jumped on the shark to scare it off. Visit their website here There are some great pictures.